You are just one person, and you can change the world

                          Ideas on how to convince people one person can make change and vote.

People often say, "I am just one person, what I do doesn't matter. I can't change anything."

     People have been tricked into believe that and I can prove it with one simple point. Why do you think we have laws? If one act of one person can not change anything? For example, If one person kills one deer, what harm is that? None. Then why do we have laws against hunting them anytime you want? You have a right to eat of you are hungry, to feed your family.

    We have that law, because there are 5 billion people who are all thinking, I am just one person, it is just one deer, it won't hurt anything. then the next thing you know we have another species  on the verge of extinction. the law isn't meant to stop everyone one. they know people are going to break it, but everyone isn't going to break it. If we didn't have a law like that, then we wouldn't have any deer to hunt.

   On the flip side, everyone thinks, "If i do just one positive act, nothing is going to change in the world. That is what some want you to believe, to keep you and us powerless. If everyone would instead think, I am going to do one positive thing a day, no matter if it changes anything or not, then instead of a species going extinct, you wold see a huge positive change in the world. Because collectively, all of that adds up. Like one dollar from a single person may not mean much to a homeless man, nut one dollar from a million would change his life. Don't worry about if you change the world, that is no reason not to do something positive, because all of those negative acts are going to add up fast. If we could just change that way of thinking, we could change the world.

     Every election, everyone says, "What will my vote change? I am just one person." That is what the people who are against your interests want you to think. They know your vote counts for a lot. I can prove this by the fact that people have been caught paying as much as 50 dollars, just for one vote. Sad but true. That proves your vote is worth a lot.

     What happens is, all of the people who could vote to make the world a better place all end up thinking, "I am just one person, my vote won't matter." Donald Trump won the presidential election by 72,000 votes.

     That means if 72,001 and people in those key areas had realized the value of their vote, we would be living in a much different world right now. If 72,001 people had not thought, I am just one person, what can i change?

    I have an idea for an ad. It shows one person saying, "I am just one person, what can I change? What is one vote?"

    Then the screen splits to show two people saying that exact same thing at the exact same time. The this keeps repeating exponentially (hearing the voices overlap) while the screens (or blocks, because this is important) keep getting smaller and smaller, until they become the size of pixels. these pixels could reveal some image of significance, like the country or a child, something emotional. Because one vote does matter, and one person can change the world. don;t worry about what everyone can do, worry about what you can do and the rest will take care of itself. The problem is, everyone feels alone in this. You have to show them they are part of a group. This group is our country.

    I also have an idea about how to get young people to vote ( I have a few ideas). "How," you ask? The same way you get a teenager to do anything. Tell them they can't!!!"
